
Srebrnjak 100,

Miscellaneous Information

Miscellaneous Information:

Department head
Mirjana Turkalj, MD, PhD

Department main nurse
Marija Vodopija, bacc. med. techn.

This Division provides medical management to children with allergic reactions to drugs, such as antibiotics, anesthetics, nonsteroidal rheumatics, as well as to vaccine compounds. Reaction tests, performed in a hospital setting, are followed by provocation tests (oral, bronchial, intramuscular, subcutaneous or intravenous) with simultaneous monitoring of vital functions and possible adverse effects.

This Division is responsible for bronchological and endoscopic management of patients, specific provocation tests, 24 hour pH-metric analysis for the diagnostics of gastroesophageal reflux disease, etc. It closely collaborates with other diagnostic services, such as the Division of Bronchology, Physical and Inhalation Therapy, Pulmonary Function Laboratory, Radiology and Ultrasonography Division, ENT Division, our outpatient facilities, as well as with our hospital nutritionist, psychologist and cardiologist.

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You are here: Naslovnica Phonebook Pulmonology and allergology of preschool and school chilldren