Radiology and ultrasound unit

Standard radiological management belongs to the basic diagnostic services in which examinations of airways in children and adolescents are routinely performed on a daily basis, along with other non-invasive radiological examinations.

Due to their specific anatomical, physiological, pathological and psychological characteristics, children and adolescents demand a specific approach requiring that these specific features should be taken into consideration when delivering care, chosing equipment and educating staff.

The Radiology and Ultrasound Unit is headed by a board-certified specialist in radiology who is experienced in the area of thoracic radiology. The unit is equipped with classical imaging equipment including a special Baby-fix appartus for fixating infants and small children.

The Radiology and Ultrasound Unit is a constitutive part of the first e-hospital in the Republic of Croatia. By means of the IMPAX system the unit is networked with all other outpatients clinics and units involved. Radiological images can be simultaneoulsy examined at different facilities, thus increasing the cost benefit and achieving savings in time, space and financial resources. To increase the level of service for our patients, our radiological processing is on-the-spot and of a high quality.

Surface skin doses of radiation are measured with the latest RPL and TLD dosimetry systems in collaboration with the Laboratory of Dosimetric Chemistry of the Ruđer Bošković Institute.

By means of acquiring the latest state-of the-art radiological equipment, the Radiology and Ultrasound Unit keeps abreast with other highly specialized institutions of thoracic imaging for children and adolescents. Our fully trained radiographers are skilled in processing children of all ages, and are sensitive to the specific features of working with children, particularly as regards to adhering to measures of reducing excessive ionizing radiation exposure.

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