Hospital school


skola resizeSrebrnjak Children's Hospital organized a Hospital school for all patients - pupils in collaboration with Primary School Ivan Goran Kovačić. Teachers will provide educational and socio-psychological support to help them spend relaxed, painless, and interesting time in the Hospital.

How we work?

  • Teachers devoted teaching at the hospital their overall working hours.
  • There are no school bells; teachers adapt lessons to each student.
  • Pupils study individually or in small groups.
  • Classes are held in the classroom or in the patient's room depended on the medical condition of the child.
  • Through study and play we celebrate the commemorative days and holidays.
  • In cooperation with theaters, museums and associations students participate in cultural events and workshops.

strip resizeWhy Hospital school?

  • Helps children create a positive image of themselves.
  • It maintains learning continuity.
  • Individual approach in learning and through playgroups.
  • The possibility of choosing classes for pupils in the Day-care hospital who have difficulty going to a regular school because of the therapy.
  • Faster and easier inclusion of pupils in classes after completion of therapy.

For parents!

Upon arrival at the hospital for treatment your child has the opportunity to attend classes. In order that teaching has the highest quality please bring your child's school books.
We hope to make your child's time spent in the Srebrnjak Children's Hospital enjoyable and interesting.

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