Department of Pulmonology and Allergology for infants and young children

Head of department
Giorgije Petković, MD, PhD

Department's head nurse
Jelica Marković, bacc. med. techn., PhD

The department of Pulmonology and Allergology for infants and young children is responsible for treatment of children who suffer from acute upper and lower respiratory tract infection (bronchiolitis, bronchitis, pneumonia...), congenital anomalies and diseases of the respiratory system, skin manifestations of allergic diseases (atopic dermatitis, urticaria...).

During the stay, medical and symptomatic therapy is conducted with respiratory physical therapy.
Beside standard laboratory tests, a specific immunological tests are conducted as well as allergy testing, including skin tests with the determination of total (tIgE) and specific immunoglobulin E (sIgE). The value of chloride in sweat and basic radiological of respiratory system (chest X-ray, pleural ultrasound...) are conducted. Children older than two years are submitted to pulmonary function tests (spirometry, ventolin inhaler test...).

As part of the diagnostic analysis of lung disease commonly performed test is a basic cardiac treatment (X-ray of the heart and lungs, ECG), and in indicated cases an additional cardiac analysis including medical consultations with child's cardiologist and echocardiography. Consultative review from neuropediatrician with additional neurological examinations (ultrasound of the brain, EEG, all-night polysomnographic study...), are performed in children with the observed variations in neurological development.

If necessary, 24-hour esophageal pH monitoring is preformed, and in indicated cases bronchial endoscopy procedure, including cytological and microbiological analysis of bronchial secretions.
Accommodation is secured for breastfeeding mothers and their infants during the first six months of their life and also shared accommodation for parents and their child in five existing apartments is possible.

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