
Library manager
Aida Begović

Working hours
08 - 16 from Monday to Friday

Library is a part of the Hospital from 1981. and today with a reading room and hall covers about 120 m2 area and has two computer users, and access to medical databases.

It's open to patients and hospital staff and provides access to library materials, support for professional development and research. The library is located in the main building on the second floor.


  • loan and use of books from our library fund
  • interlibrary loan from other medical library
  • searching medical databases
  • internet access on two computers
Children's hospital Srebrnjak
Srebrnjak 100
Phone: 01/6391-206
Fax: 01/6391-188
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.