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Department head
Prof. dr. sc. Slavica Dodig, spec. med. biokemije

The range of tests performed is coordinated with the needs of the hospital units and outpatient clinic comprising hematologic, biochemical, cytologic and immunochemical analyses of biological samples (blood, urine, stool, perianal swab, nasal culture, sweat, exhaled condensate, bronchial aspirate, pleural effusion, cerebrospinal fluid).

The vast majority of analyses perfomed at the biochemical laboratory are related to the diagnostics of allergic diseases. For that purpose a concentration of the total IgE is determined as a selected panel of allergens communicated by immunoglobulin E, and concentration of allergen-specific IgE antibodies (inhalation, nutritive and contact allergens, allergens of fungi, mold, parasites, drugs and insect bites). Leukocyte IFN-gamma is also determined at the Unit for the purpose of diagnosing latent tuberculosis infections.

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